Books Review: A Brief History of Time #1
I will not argue on what is in this
book and sorry if there are many mistakes in writing review in english, simply I want to argue or writing a review about how A Brief History of Time impacts me. At first, it is not that easy
to understand this kind of book. Although it was made for lets call it society,
still im as an engineering student who study at nuclear engineering (that used
to play with relativity or whatelse) found that it is hard to understand.
Chapter 1: Our Picture of The Universe
Well, this chapter told us about
what in the past or even present people think, see, and argue about the whole
universe system. In this book, Stephen Hawking wrote that Aristotle in his book
On The Heavens was able to put
forward two good arguments (about the shadow of the moon that is round and the northern
stars view) that earth was a round sphere rather than a Hat plate (that Greek
people used to trust). And now we already knew that the earth most likely looks
like a sphere rather than a round or even a Hat plate.
Well, about the universe model,
Ptolemy ever made a great model of our galaxy. Ptolemy’s model is provided a
reasonably accurate system for predicting the positions of heavenly bodies in
the sky but using an assumption that sometimes moon orbit is 2 times closer to
the earth which means, one time moon will appeared 2 times larger than usual (which is we know that it is absolutely
Augustine said that the concept of
time has no meaning before the beginning of the universe (which means easily
there is no time before the universe was made). When someone asked him what god
do before He created the universe, then he replied that Time was a property of
the universe that god created, and that time did not exist before the beginning
of the universe.
Interesting point so far, by Hubble’s
observations, he said distant galaxies are moving rapidly away from us (or in
short one can said that the universe by itself is expanding). So we could say
that it might be the universe itself in the earlier time have been close
together where all of those are exactly in a point which its density was
infinite. For those who are forgot about the density concept, we could say that
density is mass/volume which it means in the earlier time, universe was ever
come close each other in a point which had a very very big mass (it is really
very big) and had a really really small volume (nearly zero). At this situation,
it was very dense and that’s why we could say at the earlier time universe had
an infinite density.
Hubble suggested there was a time
that a big bang happened (for those who really didn’t know this, you must be
kidding me) In which under such conditions all the laws of science and all
ability to predict future would break down (simply we could say that all of
those are not working).
Stephen Hawking wrote that, in order
to talk about the nature of the universe and to discuss questions we have to
make sure understand what a scientific theory is. A theory is just a
model of the universe or a restricted part of it and a set of rules that relate
quantities in the model to observations that we make. A theory can be called
good if it satisfies two requirements. First of all, it must be accurately
describe a large class of the observations on the basis of a model that
contains only a few arbitrary elements. Second. It must make definite predictions
about the results of future observations.
To make sure all of us understand
this, Stephen hawking states that Aristotle believed on Empedocles’s theory
that everything was made out of four elements earth air fire and water. Okay let
say this is a simple theory, but can it make a definite prediction later? Ofc NO.
Then ofc this is not a theory. It is different with one Newton theory which is
consists of three parts but it could make a definite prediction, then it is
called a good theory. It is also said that any physical theory is always
provisional which means only a hypothesis, because we can never prove it no
matter how many times the results of experiments agree with some theory, we can
never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory. To disapprove
the theory itself, we could just make another method of observations. If its
result differ from a theory then we have to abandon that theory or at least modify
Well, what Stephen Hawking wants to
do is simply provide a single theory that describes the whole universe.
Scientist in its approach divide it into 2 parts. First, there are the laws
that tell us how the universe changes with time (in short something that could
predict what will happen next, and what was happen in the past. Or if you are
an engineering students we could say this is a function with time f(t)).
Second, there is the question of the initial state of the universe. Ofc many of
us debate on this, one said scientist must only focus on first part, because
God could have started the universe off any way He wanted, He could made it in
a completely arbitrary way but yet it appears that He chose to make it evolve
in a very very regular way according to certain laws. In this case, Stephen
Hawking trusted that therefore it seems there is an equally reasonable to
suppose that there are also laws governing the initial state.
So it is ofc really difficult to
make or devise a theory to describe the universe all in one go (we could say by
using only this theory, we could describe everything in the universe), thus scientist
divide it into several partial theories by neglecting the effects of other
quantities or representing them by simple sets of number (once again,
in solving some problems, usually we are as an engineer neglect something to
make it easier to solve it. Lets say we are calculating the actual time of free
fall body from Y metes of high, sometimes or even most of us neglect air
Today scientists describe the universe
by using 2 partial theories. There are the general theory of relativity (trust
me, I didn’t learn this in class) and quantum mechanics. In short, general
theory of relativity describes the force of gravity and the large-scale
structure of the universe that size from a few miles into a big big big one,
about 1 miles being followed by 24 zeros after it while quantum mechanics deal
with something that is very small. But both of them is contradicting each
other, so they cannot both be correct. What Stephen Hawking wants to find is a
theory that will works on general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.
In such a condition ofc we knew that
it is logic to say Stephen might made a progress toward that laws. The
discovery of a complete unified theory may not aid the survival of our species
or even affect our lifestyle. But as we know, as a people we are very curious
about something that they don’t know, a desire to know much, a desire to get
more knowledge.
In this part, I cannot say that
Stephen wrong. He might be right about the people curiosity. But as we know, so
far what Stephen thought now is the most accurate things (but read again, there
is never any physical theory that always works to something with assuming and neglecting
few things), so it might be one day what Stephen said is not true. It is
depend on ourself again, knowledge itself is not an objective matters. Knowledge
that we got itself is being processed by our brain or simply being digested. Things
that are not important or not match with our basic belief will be thrown away.
By this way, things that we have found so far is never ever be an objective
one. It must be contain at least a little subjective things. By learning, it must
made us continue to remember Allah as our God. If it is not, we have to ask
ourself whether it is we learn in a wrong way or what we have learnt is
something that must not be learnt and being forbidden by Islam.